Raw thoughts from the man behind the beard.
The walk to the fridge.. a Fido2 story
A walk to the Fridge; A FIDO2 Story The What - I am constantly on the road, and constantly managing a personal brand as well as a commercial purpose, both serving my ultimate mission of helping to protect our collective children's way of life from a technology,...
Pwn’d or Patched, you choose. Unifi, Log4J, and PwnKit
Pwn'd or Patched using CVE 2021-44228 (Log4Shell) and CVE 2021-4034 (PwnKit) The earlier video - If you read my initial writeup on the Unifi unpatched status you will know this is still a HUGE issue that needs to be solved. The new stuff Pwn'd or Patched, you choose -...
State of Security…. Patch people, Patch. Log4J and Unifi, the horror
Most people patch quickly, right?.... right?... right??? The Log4J Vulnerability - I demonstrated the Log4Unifi GitHub repo for easily attacking the vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 on YouTube. Following along with the news by MorphiSec of Log4J and Unifi being targeted...
Live Compromised
Threat actors will always win. Let that sink in for a second, accept it, hate it, disagree, it is proven time and again that a concerted actor will gain access to your systems and assets if the reward is high enough or the order is given. I don’t say this as a method...